Friday, May 04, 2007

Yahoo Web Messenger.

Finally its here. Yahoo announced the release of their Web based messenger akin to Gmail Talk.
For those who can't wait, here's the url. If you couldn't click it here it is in plain text: "".

The web messenger has a slick UI. And like Google it will allow you to save your Chats. And i noticed that it's built in flash, which isn't as light on the browser as Gmail chat. But still, the page loads up pretty fast. And simultaneous chats are organised into a tabbed frame which saves on the web page real estate. Shame though, you'll have to open a separate page to use the web messenger unlike Gmail, which allows you chat right from your browser window(with an option of popping the chat window out).

Well, the whole web messenger thing is pretty darn decent. It's just that I'm Google fan and can't help being biased. Just now i opened the web messenger and had a friend online who wanted to call me. I had to switch to the Yahoo messenger client to accept the call and i was logged out of the web messenger. Imagine how cool it would be, to talk without switching to the desktop client. I dunno if it's technically possible but hey, you never know these folks at Yahoo might actually make it possible.

Here's a link to the Life Hacker post about Yahoo Web messenger.

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