Thursday, July 09, 2009

My take on the Google Chrome OS

Google Chrome OS is going to be another great piece of software from Google. It’s only natural for them to step into the OS arena, they have a lot of experience there: Google put a lot of code on the Linux kernel tree; they built their own file system on top Linux; they have built the fastest browser I have yet used(Which, in all fairness is a little OS). They are even involved with DirectFB. There’s one more thing, they do it just because they can. They can afford to take big steps to innovate, to revolutionize computing in general because they can monetize it all in the end. And that isn’t such a bad thing(will tell you why, later on).

What really bothers me is that, lot of people think Google is after Microsoft’s coffers. I beg to differ. Who says only one company should rule the OS market? Who says, a lightweight, web centric and a barebones OS is something Microsoft should lose sleep over? (Unless they want to)

Let me paint the background a little. Google took up initiatives in Africa and India to raise awareness about the advantages of Broadband Internet. Now, why should Google do that? Think. More people with access to the web means, more people hitting Google. That in turn means more people to target ads towards. This finally culminates in Ad revenues. Yes, it’s that simple. Why else would Google expose their indexes to people with Mobile phones? (One can do local searches via SMS.). I’m not saying they are just after money. Everyone’s in the business for money. But Google is doing good things for the community while they are at it.

Now, back towards to the point I was trying to make. When you are trying to make a purchase, what is it you first try to do? You find out what your options are. You look at a few products; you pick one that best fits your need. That’s what Google Chrome OS is about, choice. We have Windows, Mac OS X, Linux (a lot them actually) and Chrome OS to pick from. Some people might need more than one. Variety, as they say, is the spice of life. Today’s consumers are smart and rather regard variety as a necessity. Choice is a good thing. Good for the consumers; Good for the products; And good for the vendors involved. Competition in the market will ultimately benefit consumers.

The whole point is: Chrome OS is not a bad thing for Microsoft. Sure it will take a chunk out of Microsoft’s OS market share. Windows 7 is a strong contender and, the consumer space is growing in size by the day. People are already buying more than one laptop/computer for different needs. Heck, some people have different computers in their kitchen, living room and bed rooms. Even though they are contenders for the same market share, Microsoft and Google have their own consumer spaces to cater to. That’s because, Chrome OS is going to be Open-Sourced. This is why I think MS need not fret too much. Ask me why? Well, do you see any of the corporate biggies going for an OpenSource system for their enterprise? I think not. MS and Google have their own crowd to please and exploit before they go daggers at each other.

Finally here’s why Google Chrome OS is going to tick:

  • Anything Google does, gets a lot of exposure. Thanks to the ever active blogosphere.
  • Chrome OS is built on Linux, Most Linux enthusiasts would definitely try it out.
  • Google is partnering with OEM to push the OS.
  • An OpenSource OS is an enticing option for anyone who doesn't want to pay the MS tax.
  • The growing market for netbooks.
  • The current interest in OS's that boot up under 10-15 seconds. (Chrome OS is definitely going to be one)

What do you think people?

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