Monday, November 30, 2009

The Technology Behind

via Slashdot by kdawson on 11/29/09

CNET's Crave has up a detailed interview with's Matthew Ogle, the company's head of Web development. Reader CNETNate notes that has streamed 275,000 years of audio around the world. From the interview: "We stream all music directly off our servers in London. We have a cluster of streaming nodes including a bunch of powerful machines with solid-state hard drives. We have a process that runs daily which finds the hottest music and pushes those tracks on to the SSDs streamers that sit in front of our regular platter-based streaming machines. That way, if someone is listening to one of our more popular stations, the chances are really good that these songs are coming off our high-speed SSD machines. They're fast because every song is sitting in memory instead of being on a slow, spinning platter." The interview is actually on two pages but pretends it's on three.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Posted via email from silverstag's posterous

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